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First-Year Student Stories

Zoe Glover: Goodnight Spotlight

Zoe Glover, first year Goodnight Scholar in the class of 2026, has many hobbies and interests that she plans to further explore during her time at NC State. Continue Reading to learn about her involvement at NC State and in the Goodnight Scholars program, and her experience as a freshman.

Tell us about yourself! 

I am a member of the class of 2026. I intend to major in mechanical engineering. A hobby of mine is music. Not only do I love listening to all kinds of music, but I also play trumpet, piano, guitar, and ukulele. I enjoy learning new skills, especially new languages. I speak Mandarin and I am learning Spanish and French. I also enjoy watching cult classic movies and staying physically active.

Why did you choose your major?

I have always enjoyed making gadgets and learning how things work. Because of this innate interest, I knew that I wanted to be an engineer. However, I did not want to be locked into one specific field of engineering. So, I decided that mechanical engineering would be the best option for me due to how broad it is. Ultimately, I hope to be able to take the knowledge I gain from this degree to create more environmentally sustainable everyday products and devices.

How has your experience been in the Goodnight Scholars program thus far?

In my short time here at NC State, I can definitively say that the Goodnight Scholars program has been and will continue to be an important part of my college experience. Within this program I have found a community of friends and mentors; I have also received many professional and academic development opportunities. Some of these events include information sessions about Consulting with Deloitte, and academic success workshops to help scholars build better academic plans for success in their degrees. Within our GSP class, we are taught about building our resumes, creating a LinkedIn account, and even email etiquette. We have also been encouraged to begin building our professional networks through a project where we were tasked with conducting an interview with a professional in our field of interest.

There are also opportunities and events made available to form relationships with my peers such as class socials, movie nights, and Goodnight Explorer events: where we travel to different locations in Raleigh with other scholars to learn more about the area.

Are you currently involved in any extracurricular activities that you can tell us more about?

I have recently joined the Music Makers Club. This is a club where students are able to collaborate to create songs or simply share their projects with other students for feedback. The club coordinators even host music making competitions and events to teach members how to use music production software.

Do you have any goals for your freshman year? If so, What are they?

My goals for my freshman year include developing a strong and effective study plan for my classes, getting involved with one to two more extracurriculars, and stepping out of my comfort zone professionally, academically, and socially. I feel that I will be able to accomplish all of my goals as long as I take advantage of all of the different kinds of opportunities available to me at NC State.

What have been some struggles that you are working through or have overcome in your first semester of college?

I have currently been struggling with learning how to learn and study new material for my classes as there are higher expectations for learning outside of the classroom than I am accustomed to. I am also struggling with time management. I am working on better time management by blocking off specific times in my daily calendar to only study or work on homework. I am working on learning and studying outside of the classroom by making edits to my notes and creating my own study guides. I find that adding more structure to my day and note-taking is beginning to help me overcome these issues.